Today's special: Free domain name and DNSSEC!

Disclaimer: First article, hopefully my prose is not too bad. I’m sorry it’s a bit long. I decided to tell this short story, because I struggled a bit to correctly setup my domain name and I realized I was probably not the first in this situation. Enjoy!

I have always wanted to have my own domain and website to play with. One can easily find out it is possible to host a website with self-signed certificates for free, but I always believed domain names were a mandatory non-free step, and I eventually gave up and got a domain from G-company.

My friend Mcdostone introduced me to, which gives to people like you and me the opportunity to get our own domain names for free. This story describes the process I had to go through in order to get a fully working domain name with

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Request a domain name
  3. Configure DNSSEC
    1. Setup a bind server
    2. Generate and sign my keys
    3. Submit DS records
    4. Avoid Zone Walking attacks
  4. End of the story
  5. Resources


I will not cover how to:

  • run a web server on a local host;
  • do port forwarding on your router;
  • get free SSL certificates signed by a CA (check out certbot).

I am running a very simple Flask web server on a Raspberry PI 4, available at

Request the domain name

First thing I had to do was to create an account. It is quick and simple, they ask for basic information that will be used later when requesting a domain name. They ask for a fax number (really?) and five address lines, and I unfortunately have only one. Felt discriminated but anyway.

After registering, I requested a domain name. Most of the fields were already filled, and I basically only had to choose my domain name. offers a lot of subdomains. Make sure you read policy to determine whether or not your project is compatible with their rules.

domain request 1

Domain's organization information.

A point to note here is the Name servers form. I am not an expert, so I just opted for their recommended option for correctness. Finally, I added my domain name next to Name1, and the public IP address of my web server next to IP1.

domain request 2

Third checkbox please!

I then submitted my request! The team manually (I guess?) reviewed and eventually approved my request. It took a few days for me, less than two weeks IIRC. Once I got notified my domain and the appropriate records had been created, this is what my domains list looked like, at the exception of DNSSEC:

domains list

My list of domain names.

Su-per. I’ve just got my first free domain name. It took a few days to spread across the DNS servers, as expected. I was regularly checking if my domain was yet resolved , and I eventually noticed a lot of DNS servers wound not resolve it. Why?

Configure DNSSEC

DNSSEC is basically a modification of the DNS protocol which improves its security by authenticating DNS exchanges, preventing spoofing. When I configured DNSSEC for my domain, I was still waiting for a response from the team, because I was surprised most of the DNS servers were still not resolving my domain name after three weeks. At this time, I did not know it would fix my issue.

I was a bit lost and started to browse around, looking for a way to add DS records to my domain. I was decided to ignore the warning from and to enable DNSSEC anyway on my domain.

empty dns

All my homies hate warnings.

I eventually followed a tutorial1 which was very helpful, but I ran into a few errors which were not covered, so I will describe the full process here.

Setup a bind server

The first task was be to install and run a DNS server. On my Raspberry, I had to install the bind9 package, which is known to be the most used DNS server ever. No less!

# apt install bind9

Now let’s enable DNSSEC:

sudo vim /etc/bind/named.conf.options

options {

    dnssec-enable yes;
    dnssec-validation yes;
    dnssec-lookaside auto;


At this point, I forwarded my port 53 for both TCP and UDP protocols in my router configuration.

Generate and sign my keys

I want now to create two pairs of keys, the Zone Signing Key (ZSK) and the Key Signing Key (KSK). For that, we will need the dnssec-tools package. I’m running Arch so I have used:

$ sudo pacman -Sy dnssec-tools

Once the toolkit was installed, let’s navigate to the directory where bind looks for the keys:

$ cd /var/cache/bind

Then I generated the ZSK and the KSK:

root@pi:/var/cache/bind$ dnssec-keygen -L 3600 -a ECDSAP256SHA256 -n ZONE -f KSK
Generating key pair.
root@pi:/var/cache/bind$ dnssec-keygen -L 3600 -a ECDSAP256SHA256 -n ZONE
Generating key pair.

It created two .key and two *.private files, which are two sets of public/ private keys pairs. I need now to create a zone file, which is the file I will sign. You will have to replace <IP>, <EMAIL> and the filenames with your appropriate values.

for key in `ls*.key`
  echo "\$INCLUDE $key">>
echo "   IN  A   <IP>" >>
echo "@ IN  SOA <EMAIL> (3 604800 86400 2419200 604800)" >>
echo "  IN  NS" >>

Note: <EMAIL> is the email I registered with when requesting the domain name, but the @ symbol becomes a . and all . previous to the @ should be escaped. And you also end it with a last .. For instance: turns into exa\

I could finally sign this fifth file, using dnssec-signzone:

root@pi:/var/cache/bind$ dnssec-signzone -A -3 $(head -c 1000 /dev/random | sha1sum | cut -b 1-16) -N INCREMENT -o -t
Verifying the zone using the following algorithms:
Zone fully signed:
Algorithm: ECDSAP256SHA256: KSKs: 1 active, 0 stand-by, 0 revoked
                            ZSKs: 1 active, 0 stand-by, 0 revoked
Signatures generated:                        7
Signatures retained:                         0
Signatures dropped:                          0
Signatures successfully verified:            0
Signatures unsuccessfully verified:          0
Signing time in seconds:                 0.003
Signatures per second:                2100.210
Runtime in seconds:                      0.016

Note that we use a random salt here.

At this point, I needed to tell bind to use the new file

sudo vim /etc/bind/named.conf.local

zone "" IN {
    type master;
    file "";
    allow-transfer {; };
    allow-update { none; };

I finally reloaded bind service with sudo systemctl reload bind9. I checked if everything went fine using dig:

root@pi:/var/cache/bind$ dig DNSKEY @localhost +multiline
;; Truncated, retrying in TCP mode.

; <<>> DiG 9.8.4-rpz2+rl005.12-P1 <<>> DNSKEY @localhost +multiline
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 43986
;; flags: qr aa rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 2, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0
;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available

;       IN DNSKEY

;; ANSWER SECTION:    86400 IN DNSKEY   256 3 7 (
                ) ; key id = 40400    86400 IN DNSKEY   257 3 7 (
                ) ; key id = 62910

;; Query time: 0 msec
;; WHEN: Wed Nov 27 18:18:30 2013
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 839

Everything looked good so far.

Submit DS records

Now that my DNS server was running, I needed to give my public keys so it could finally enable DNSSEC. Back to DNSSEC configuration of my domain, I added my DS records. They are actually the last line of the *.key files I generated earlier:

root@pi:/var/cache/bind$ cat *.key
; This is a key-signing key, keyid 24582, for
; Created: 20220715005917 (Thu Jul 14 20:59:17 2022)
; Publish: 20220715005917 (Thu Jul 14 20:59:17 2022)
; Activate: 20220715005917 (Thu Jul 14 20:59:17 2022) 3600 IN DNSKEY 257 3 13 aGYV9tajrYYURYCvdTte4yvRJOgTlTSnuhHoXcGo5e+fMhcpvgvQzb+m E/EVDfquZLnVZbjrprFgqlmFsvjd8Q==
; This is a zone-signing key, keyid 62537, for
; Created: 20220715005913 (Thu Jul 14 20:59:13 2022)
; Publish: 20220715005913 (Thu Jul 14 20:59:13 2022)
; Activate: 20220715005913 (Thu Jul 14 20:59:13 2022) 3600 IN DNSKEY 256 3 13 8wsphstJI+JVEih2myGoqyvXjTQ0vU67rm9Os06G8ZGyao8GyHDzl4Tz fyBsHqW8D6ifKlmDjro5y7d4IivrgA==

All lines starting with `;` are comments and should be ignored.

The line with the 257 has to be the primary DS record, so I added it first. and then the second one.

Again, it may take a few minutes for changes to take effect, but it looked like it had been instantly processed for me. As soon as I submitted these records, I checked again if major DNS servers were now resolving my domains:


After a month of big sad, big joy was here.

There are also tools like DNSViz to make sure DNSSEC has properly been enabled.

Avoid Zone Walking attacks

I’m not sure if this is really necessary but the article I followed considered important to teach how to protect ourselves from Zone Walking attacks. From what I understand, this attack is difficult but not impossible, and may allow one to get unauthorized access to our resource records by requesting DNS servers and by trying to revert hashes. To address this issue, it is recommended to update the salt that we used when signing our zone file. This script 2 will automatically refresh the salt of our signed zone file, and can easily be automated using cron:

$ sudo crontab -e

0 0 * * 0 /path/to/

Don't forget to chmod this script!

This will refresh the salt every week for you.

End of the story

Thanks for reading this short story! I took me a bit of trial and errors to get there, but I really enjoyed tinkering with DNSSEC, and as always it feels good to learn something new. Now that my site is available for everyone, I gave access on my Raspberry to my friends and created them a user, so they can play with the website as they want.

The next story you don’t want to miss will probably be realized on Mcdostone’s blog! Cya <3


Here are all the documents that helped me through this: